5 Ideas to celebrate and welcome 2021 in the new normal.

There’s no doubt how eagerly we all are waiting to say goodbye to 2020 with the hope that 2021 would be a better year than 2020. We have seen so many ups and downs this year and we are now looking for betterment in 2021.

With the current situation, I am now sure that many of us are going to celebrate new years eve at home as there is a night curfew in almost every state. Here I am sharing some wonderful ideas to celebrate and welcome the new year while being at home in a safe zone with your family and friends.

#Idea number 1: Pub at home:

You can bring the pub at home by decorating the home with disco lights and with a great music system. Make some cocktails and mocktails with your recipes. Prepare party food or order it from the restaurants near you. Play the music, eat, drink and dance all night.

#Idea number 2: Play games:

You can connect your family online and play some online board games together. Enjoy the evening by playing games with your family or friends, games can be online or even offline if you have guests at home so you can play offline games with them.

#Idea number 3: Virtual Party:

Arrange a virtual party, send an invitation on a zoom app or any other app you guys use. The one who is hosting can make sure of arranging awesome activities or games like guess the movie/actor/leader etc., Pictionary or other. You can have drinks and snacks together while being on the virtual connection.

#Idea number 4: Set up an at-home photo booth:

With the setup of a pub at home, you can also set up a photobooth and prepare some funny accessories like a cut out of cardboard that may be like a moustache or goggles or any other things. We all like to dress up no matter what our age is so grab hats, glasses and feather boas, cardboard moustaches etc and then strike a pose and get snapping for some hilarious photos to proudly hang in the new year.

#Idea number 5: Get Crafty:

You can come together and make different crafts using paper, ribbons, colours, clay etc to make cards, decorative items etc. You can all set up a competition to make beautiful crafts and whomsoever win gets the prize.

Whatsoever ideas take your fancy, you should be able to do them enjoyably and — more importantly — safely. Have fun and don’t forget to make new resolutions for 2021… keep pushing your limits to fulfil your all desires for 2021. Let’s take the step towards 2021 with positivity and try to be our best in 2021. Congratulations to everyone who has survived 2020, it feels like a miracle to me. And all the best for 2021 to do your best.

I would love to hear your plans for new year eve and the plans you made for 2021. Keep commenting..!!

